Plotting -
This page documents MatSimPy functions for creating matplotlib and seaborn plots.
- def histo_distro(userpkl, unpack = True, index_key = None, merge = False, x_label = "x", xlims = None, ylims = None, title = "title", decim = 1, scaleFac = 1, bins = 25, descriptive = False, legLab = None, line = False)
- Returns a histogram of a user-provided distribution in a variety of formats, with customizeable formatting options to display various properties of the data in a pleasing format.
- userpkl (pkl, list, dict, array): pkl or other file storing the input data.
- unpack (bool): unpickles the input file if in pkl format, default True.
- index_key (key): dict key for input data, default None.
- merge (bool): merges lists if input is a list of lists, default False.
- x_label (str): label for x-axis, default “x”.
- xlims (tuple): 2-tuple for x-axis limits, default None.
- ylims (tuple): 2-tuple for y-axis limits, default None.
- title (str): title of plot, default “title”.
- decim (int): decimal places for value displays, default 1.
- scaleFac (float): scaling factor for the input data, default 1.
- bins (int): number of histogram bins to use, default 25.
- descriptive (bool): put mean and sdev in plot title, default False.
- legLab (str): legend entry for data, default None.
- line (bool): apply mean line to plot, default False.
- None